New hiking PB distance record for me around the long Clatteringshaws loch Scotland

13.85 miles hike around Clatteringshaws loch 29th Sepember

Embarking on my recent PB hike around Clatteringshaws Loch in Scotland was nothing short of an exhilarating adventure. The journey was adorned with awe-inspiring landscapes, painting a picturesque scene at every turn. Armed with my camera, I captured the rugged beauty of the Scottish hills, steams and rivers, creating memories that will last a lifetime. As the day dwindled into night, the last 5 miles of the hike unfolded under a blanket of total darkness, adding an element of thrill to the experience. Navigating the trail by the soft glow of two small torches, the challenge became an exciting escapade, filling the night with dark hillsides. It was an unforgettable, adrenaline-pumping trek, reminding me of the sheer joy found in the heart of nature's wilderness.

Clatteringshaws loch Scotland seen from afar

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